Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sometimes a sounding board is needed

Life teaches us many things.  Some things by accident others by design.

Where I was last had an open airwaves system of communication to allow transferability and monitering of clients and operators information. This information allowed for a varied use of the airwaves.  However when a mixture of communication methods resulted in verbal abuse directed of individual operators the operators left. What actually happened no one actually knew as different triggers happened. The last trigger began over a weekly tabloid magazine not being returned [ it had disappeared]. Telephone conversatons, face to face conversations came to verbally abusing one operator over the open airwaves.

The operator left the 'job'.  Literally walked away.

Oh yes the operator had connected with the magazine company who sent a new copy down to the original owner through the operators address.  The parcel unopened was resend on to the previous employers wife.

Several things are learned by this series of mishaps. The first was never to accept anything from someone else as a loan and the second is not to put up with crap, emotional sea saws and abuse.  Walk away and do not look back it is probably time to move anyway.

 You actually are a Person of Worth.

Good luck to you all.

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