Saturday, October 29, 2011

Made a mistake have you?

A critical review is not earning a grade but doing looking backwards in order to do something better next time. Often a critical review is mistaken for when one person is critical of what people did or did not do or when a person has done something wrong.

Picture found somewhere
on the web!
The critical review is the act or instance of evaluation or appraising the gathering of feedback is used to make the next situation run more smoothly.  All the stake holders go over the information gathered re the event, brake the event into segments. Each segment has an action.  The actions are reviewed. Each action has an outcome - these too have a review. Actions or non-actions are taken into consideration.

The beauty of recording events at the time they occur is that everyone [all stakeholders] can make adjustments for future guide lines with regard to possible scenarios. Things that are recorded tend to be remembered as fresh incidents during the information gathering process.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Taking up a challenge to "market" a something into being that success where you and the employees get the maximum benefits in today's entrepreneurial world means that you need everyone's participation.

Induction and short weekly updates or training sessions mean that employees become aware and informed of decisions   Even better they have an opportunity for direct dialogue that affects that decision-making process.

With the decisions making processes having a full participation strategy the processes allow you to
  • Know what you are actually marketing.
  • What drawbacks to the typical approaches are in rolling out a shareable income.
  • Current best methods are shared on 
    • how to use a basic promoational mix that promotes the sales.
    • who can do what within the firms contact basis.
  • What communication strategies are set up, how they work and why the employee benefits when using them.
  • What a few challenges are with marketing and promotion.
  • Which best practices are when marketing the promotion.


Where is Meet Up taking me too?

The arts culture has really begun to use social media. The question is where will the use of the social media take them too and what are the outcomes?

The team members have set up a blogging group.Now that " has been introiduced into the urban sceen' bringing together large crowds of similar-minded audiaences." writes Aine Creedon. With this coming together of people, talents and IT the art world, as we think we know it, will  continue to change, add new interfaces and dimensions.

As I read the article it looks like an objective was to reach into a wider audience. The strategy being through the use of social media and networking combination. Social Media for Communities article has reported is that through the social networking and social media forums of Blogging and twittering Arts Professionals are keeping abreast of the arts scene. The sheer amount of people participating in the arts genres has increased dramatically along with interactions of ideas developing a cross culture/genera influence through the art world it self.  Similar to how van Gough, Cezanne, Gogan and Seurat influenced the Twentieth century painting . The principles went wider and influenced the architecture, furniture. Social concepts flowed on into every day life.

“We use Twitter not only to connect with one another, but to share what we feel brings value to a larger online arts community,” said Ms. Merlino, senior marketing manager at the Guggenheim Museum. It has enabled us to form both professional and personal relationships that has provided countless opportunities for learning and collaboration.”

The spear headed movement includes both art professionals as well as interested stakeholders and others are keeping "up to date on creative new exhibits and lectures by following one another's updates on Twitter and using the" common hastag. While your at it, keep your friend in the loop and 'share' the post with your friends.

Yes the strategies for up -marketing the arts and culture of the world are benefiting from social media and social networking.

Linked In
Paint brush

An asset register is what I am doing.

Works like this

Use heading and then dot point sections under.  To start with use computer as this is easily changed.

  • Hold L's
            ACTION  -
    •  need X hours to feel comfortable with driving experience

Clothing list
Once found the 'key' will unlock doors.
  • Suitable for 
    • data work
    • sales rep
    • business meetings.
    • Sort clothing into categories
    • If offered by work placement centre then I will know what types of clothing/ shoes to request assistance in obtaining

Health Care Card
  •  Does Health care card cover me for X months after I have obtained full time statis?
                  ACTION -
    •  check details with Work Cover Provider and Centerlink.

  • Public
    • Rely on other peoples transport until have hours and licence or public transport system.
    • Gain hours until comfortable handling vehicle.
      • Obtain P's
                Further action 
      • Obtain motor bike licence
Do the same for 

Skills, character, personality, interests.  The list is expandable.  

  1. Type the list out.
  2.  Pin the list in clear view.
  3.  Study it again several times over the next 24 hours.
  4. Write new things on the list - sticky notes okay here too.
Challenge for you
  • Take original list [with sticky notes attached] - pin the list up in a hallway-  ask family /friends to go over it for you.
    •  Provide them sticky notes for their helpful ideas.
    • Retype it out.
  • Send to
Your on the way now.Your next step will be clearer.

Note :  You have moved from just listing the assets you have into shaping a goal list!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sometimes a sounding board is needed

Life teaches us many things.  Some things by accident others by design.

Where I was last had an open airwaves system of communication to allow transferability and monitering of clients and operators information. This information allowed for a varied use of the airwaves.  However when a mixture of communication methods resulted in verbal abuse directed of individual operators the operators left. What actually happened no one actually knew as different triggers happened. The last trigger began over a weekly tabloid magazine not being returned [ it had disappeared]. Telephone conversatons, face to face conversations came to verbally abusing one operator over the open airwaves.

The operator left the 'job'.  Literally walked away.

Oh yes the operator had connected with the magazine company who sent a new copy down to the original owner through the operators address.  The parcel unopened was resend on to the previous employers wife.

Several things are learned by this series of mishaps. The first was never to accept anything from someone else as a loan and the second is not to put up with crap, emotional sea saws and abuse.  Walk away and do not look back it is probably time to move anyway.

 You actually are a Person of Worth.

Good luck to you all.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What a difference a day makes.

Confidentiality equals trust. When trust is gone because of confidentiality leaks what do people expect to happen?

Today was a good example.

The new Sales Person arrived. The owner of the company I am with explained about confidentiality. What was expected, the boarders and boundaries. No issue there. A confidentiality agreement was given out for the Sales person to read. When he felt confident and at ease with it he could sign or leave.

Mean while the owner looked for drawing pins could not find them in the neat tidy and packed stationary cupboard, so requested they be found.  Took 1 second to walk there, 0.1 second to reach in and get them and 2 seconds to get them back to where the owners was showing those in the office the map if the state. A very brief overview was given. Some questions asked - others not. The map is now pined up where we all can see this out lined section.

While reading the new salesman got back to reading the confidentially agreement an old sales person turned up. The owner of the company hit the roof at every one. drumming into everyone's head confidentiality, demanding answers to questions only one person had obtained to information.

Finally that person had to leave as they had an appointment.

The new sales man asked other questions. Once again was told

  • how he and the developing sales team fitted into the company.
  • how the sales team levels re commissions was to work.
  • who to give the paper work too the next morning so that back up support was able to be organised, given and sent through. 
  • what the owners expectations are. 
  • what four questions to ask prospective consumers. 
  • who not to seek out to ask re becoming a consumer of the companies goods [ primarily as these consumers already were the companies consumers]
  • that the company would expect to see him again at 0900hrs the following day.
Now we are all holding our breath waiting for tomorrow.  What a difference a day makes!

Leadership knowledge comes from many venues in our lives. When you pass this information over where exactly have you got it from?  Everything we learn is retained within our cranium computer on a subliminal level.  Way in the back of the subliminal is our ethos on life, how we treat it and why we do things the way we do.

That said at the Leadership Training I attended [October 2011] Charlie Bear involved the audience in dialogue through many things. For example Charlie talked and showed the audience about business cards. I had seen most of this before in pieces.  Charlie joined all the dots. I remembered having used all these pieces over time.  Not as smooth as Charlie but I had used them for various things. Primarily to attain information about people I needed to re-contact with.

In my daily working life I introduced a new sales person into our team.

Firstly we went over the personal journal he is to keep.  How the tax man loved receipts. The receipts value when negatively gearing the sales income.

From this point we travelled through a approaching business. What the company we both work for want from him.  His daily log books, sales information updates, further procedures and so forth.

The part of the pre-induction I lead up to, then showed the new sales man that captured his attention was how and why to share contact information.  So simple and yet effective.  As I said I have used this with out knowing why or where I had the experience and information given to me. The lack of memory on my part relates back to a head injury twenty years ago.  Hence why I know that what goes in and is practised becomes subliminal. Charlie prompted my subliminal memory to associate what I had seen with what I had done. Hence the reason why I confidently showed the new sales person.

Today he starts. Tomorrow at nine I expect to see some contact details. These contact details will then be processed.  In the future these contact details will have commission dollars connected to them. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lets get this going

My realisation that I was a WOW [Woman of Worth] came this morning when I did not wake up with buyers remorse. The direction I am heading in is to redirect community building through business building. This entails reinvesting into people.

Want to come along too?  Become a POW and lets get this going.  Reinvest in both yourself, your family and your community.



I have realised that I am a W.O.W.  This is good.

But there is something bigger than a W.O.W.

That is a P.O.W.  That is a Person of Worth.

Are you one too?



  • use the system to build strong legs of the 'un-franchised owner' business I am in.
    • optimality shop through the Mall.
    • encourage the use of the Market Australia bank card. 
    • work with and within the 'un-franchised owner' team. 
    • support both new and established distributors
  • get out there and do it starting today.
  • accept no excuse.


Find, develop, redevelop and expand growth of company direction. 

Vision of CVE4me

To build communities that with give back into their wider community an attitude and standing within the communities functional life within which the people will know that they are of worth. 

WOW I have goals

  • have brought into one line two operational distributors by 0000hrs 25th December 2011.
  •  through my 1375 account to have $2500 being utilized to grow this business by 31st December 2011 at 2359 hrs.
  • put into action the four training sessions I will have attended by December 25th 2011.
  • attend the both the Sydney convention and the Melbourne Leadership weekends in March 2012 with two distributors.


Actually this weekend is more than just W.o.w.

I went to a business meeting in Melbourne.  Does not sound hard.  Melbourne is just two [2] hours away from here.  Yes there were hurdles to get over but I got there had a great weekend and arrived back.

When I woke up this morning I expected to feel buyers remorse.  Not at all.  I woke with determination.  There are things to do by tomorrow at 1000hrs.  Once I have done these things I will let you know.

I knew the plan.  I had altered another similar one to tentatively work like this one.  TWENTY FIVE years ago. I made it work then and run into difficulties that then I could not get over the top of.   BUT I had seen my very basic plan work.  Yes, I say very basic as when I saw this plan six [6] weeks ago I told the guy how things worked then.  Now there is twenty five years to catch up on. I feel like a prem. baby in that once again I had been too early on things.  The world was not ready and I had not the resources.

Hay this base international company has been going for roughly fifteen years.  Over this time I have had reinforced that there is no safety net [but the one between Jesus Christ and myself] and for this opportunity I thank him.

There are resources that I have and do not have. Things I had and no longer had.  [like the 25 years]  The saying get over it  has been added too.  It is get over it, around it and through it.  Now where am I going to be with my goals.  Why am I sitting here sharing this with you?

Although I dislike using an acronym I have realised that "I am a Woman Of Worth"!.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A little stepping stone

In order to go for another stepping stone qualification for Community Development I needed to be directly employed within the Community Development capacities.

I can now say I am.


People are great. You learn a lot from them.

The other day I was in the front office with the account.   Others were with clients.

The message came that the person being interviewed for a sales position had been held up time wise.  The sales person was some one that one of my family members knew... could a girl of nineteen come too.

As things turned out time management wise things worked out well in that one client interview finished after the three others had arrived and settled in.

The owner of the company came out. Introductions were performed.  Now here is where the crunch came. I had not thought ahead as to where exactly interviews would take place. Impressions count and I had not had time between both sessions to clean up a room.

 Position Heads need to network. 
As it was the owner treated all of us to a side of his character that was unexpected but normal for him.  The interview became a bit one sided as the sales person really was not sure of the situation, nor did he have a clear idea of what how and when things were going to go.  No one had pre informed him of anything except that there was a job opening.

So atypical was the interview that we all joined in.  At times I felt that I was a bridge between the ex military style this is what I want... how you do it is up to you approach.  A very clear cut and direct approach compared to the person being interviewed approach of direct me every step of the way.

The sales person was so bamboozled in this approach that he was at least hearing the owner out.  Asked a few hesitant questions and stated the truth.  He did not think I could do the job.  Now at this point you would think the interview was over.  Not the case.  The owner wanted honesty and the other person was bowled over and slipping fast.  The owner came back a little with drawing him out.   My son mad a few comments.  The young lady participated.  A few jokes and comments were made.  The atmosphere lighted.

At one point I asked the owner to go back to the basic ground up sales program I had suggested.  He considered it and looked to myself for a lead.   Respecting the need for business privacy I stated that there were basic sales things to consider first.  My son had an idea as I had asked him for advise.  Both the sales person and my son had worked together in cold calling marketing.  There was no door to door cold calling here except for the businesses.  Then there was a procedure to nut out and move forward on.

At no time was the head sales person to do all the things expected to get the business sales up and running. The sales person we were looking for would be a head sales person in charge of developing a team.  The team was already being found.  The business had an accountant head. Head of security. Head of Risk management. Myself I am a Community Developer and in charge of training team. Delegation and motivation were the key.

From this point on I saw a real change in the interview energy.  The sales person came forward with suggestions as well as the inclusion of himself within these suggestions. If he was a fish he was 'realing' himself in to shore.  There was a snag that he later told me about... he had just about landed himself a job elsewhere.  Hence why he was late.  That second interview had taken longer than anticipated. He would know by the next day.  The boss here would be phoned by 1000hrs the following day as the boss here would not be available until then.

By the end of the interview the owner had shared some things that were not commonly known. This showed that he trusted all three of the people there.  The young lady had not realised this until I got hold of her that evening and informed her that she would be taken on as a 'pen pusher' as she requested when she had done her Security course and became a registered Security Guard.  Reason- there were papers that she could not handle until she has this clearance certificate.  At this point in the conversation I tied together the matter of the owners trust  factors. She was overcome ... blown away.

My job was affected in that I realised a major snag was exposed. Interviewing was not the owners thing. So now I have designed a step by step process that the interviewees will get to expect, will satisfy the job find networks, and will assist in relieving everyone pressure wise.

With my Community Development experience, business experience and other life skills I know that now my work begins. The focus has come into shape.

I have explained how things will work.  To each separately drawn into the picture various other aspects that neither of them had thought of. They too are part of the expanding business venture.

 Move over I am coming through.

The mum test

Business sales person have one very basic conscience checker.

That's the one that says..."Would my mum be proud of me if she knew what I was about to do?".

Think about it !

Is the action worth the reaction?

When and if things ever came to this point do you really need this check point.  Your decision has already been made for you.  Are you ready to have to keep looking over your shoulder just to check up on things?



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

OOps I forgot my verification code

A few days ago there I was working my way through "How to get into " syndrome.  A few choice words were though of too.

Anyway. I found out about verification codes.  Promptly got 10 of them.

What a great idea.

It was till I went to a computer that was not mine and was also 90 minutes away! Tried opening my Google Site to show them there one that I had been working on.  The verification codes were at home.  Great.  Today I have the verification codes [ copied out] and I am travelling back there as the site needs their approval before they pay for their Google web page and release it.  That way there is an web-address available for customers to get to them. Secondly all documentation, customer information and publicity would have been moving by now.

Google did warn  about the verification codes.  Print / copy .  Do not forget these ... even place in wallet. There is even a note that only the latest set of backups will work on my Back up verification codes print out. I did two out of three and was caught out, made to feel foolish and dumb.

On the flip side I feel good as no anyone else would also have problems getting in too!.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Opening your Google Site to work on it.

I am now celebrating.

Google is Wonderful

But Who changed my search engine to Bing?.  I had become so used to having a Google search engine that I had not even thought of this basic thing to check off.  Then I went and found  How to create a new Site on YouTube.

There is a really interesting pause button that was used as I paused the button and checked out on a new tab what the Radford Tutorial guy was telling me to do.

This then took a lot of going back and forward practice and note taking.  I now have the instructions. When I show Will on Monday I will not fee stupid at the key boards. That way the site he needs operating fully will be ready.

The next steps within the project will be able to be completed as a .com site name can go on the paperwork.

Triggering subliminal memories.

Near 6 hours after first sitting down to this computer what have I done.

  • Missed a personal appointment ...yes.
  • Listened to the rain begin to pour down and considered not mowing the jungle out the back [again].
  • I have finally worked out how to get into my Google Site list.
    • Through this the blogger sites and other things I thought I had lost access too.
Google search was wonderful. The link that was provided on You Tube helped me out. This link was "All about how to create a simple web page" but it triggered a subliminal memory that released a memory.  That is the "Penny" dropped.


I have been trying to work this out but so far frustration and groaning have occurred.   Along with the primitive grunts and accompanied noring of teeth.

Sound familiar.

Have I mentioned the insane laughter when I found out that after five hours of not working things out I was working the wrong thing out!!!!

Yes Google apps was not what I was trying to work out things with.

It is however...

  • Once I have changed the readers view side of the blog over to the new system  
    • how then do I log in?  and two
  • How do I pay for the google site I have been doing up?  Google apps is not the correct place to find this answer I think!
back to the drawing board.

Must get up and exercise too as I think my posterior has squished it's blood vessels.  How ever the dogs are happily snoring... still.

Multi hopping redirects

Hay I have just answered some question by playing Matt Cutts of Google Web Master Help on you tube.

I can redirect to a site. The trick is to do individual page redirects onto the permanently corresponding site.

Redirct in one hop.

When Matt talks about Google bot getting dizzy following the 'multi- hops along a redirect chain' I had a scene running through my head of the times I had hit onto a page somewhere and seen .. this page is not found, or had to wait forever for the page to trigger the loading session.  I think the time delay is caused by these multi hops talked about.

Must check this out further.

By the way Matt explains things really well.  Play the video and judge for yourself.

Challenged change

Some time ago I exported off a site I had. The imported this information onto a new site where I spent time combing several sites of information into one.  No i did not choose to loose  [delete]  the old information.

For the last couple of days I have been toying with doing this again.

Some of the the things that halted this action have been

  • the fear of loosing working back links.
  • space usage for the application
  • time factor spent in removing the doubles of things.
    • this included the back links too.
Positives in this action would be:
  • Hits to 1 blog site rising the level of visitors to that site will raise the power of 1 address / name being seen all through the search engines.
  • The presentations of the new look for Google applications?
I truly would like to do this as an on-line magazine has its format.  Which is why I wanted to have pages with lead in posts and indexes via each page.  However so far this has not been possible.  My time management status is low.  For now I rely on the maxim of 'One day'.

Get a move on

While opening up with cve4me I saw that the seach page has some other thing that will topple my no one place as no 1 on the page.  cv4me is a New Zealand job opportunity company with a name very similar to cve4me.

Plan to keep to the top of the seach page here.

  • Do everything under cve4me
    • social network under cve4me
    • social media to get going under cve4me
  • The crux of the matter revolves around these hits on the cve4mesite. Primarily three things need to happen.
    • Time to do the social media and networking
      • Either of these will stimulate hits needed to occur on the sites under cve4me.
    • Money to keep up the time.
      • Running out.
  • Next weekend is the shop on line for me.
    • The cve4me shop on line will bring in the hits on the site.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ha ha friend

50 and going backwards

On a good day this is close

Just hang in there all will be well.  The safety net is coming!

Do it! Yesturday.

You are interested in something and want to get started?

Out of shear frustration I have begun this Journal. I know I have been told that I should have started the entries years ago. I also know that I have wanted to start them as posts years ago.

However [ a reason and not an excuse here] is that every blog should have its own focus is something that I adhere too.  Then I have sat down and given each pressing new focus to another blog. Never getting directly around to this one.

My excuse.... I will do it tomorrow / next time... or what ever.

Have fun with my journals.  Some posts will be reflective others current.  Many will be hyper-linked to whatever I am doing now.

use of up loaded pictures.

I have worked out that if I find an illustration I like and want to place it into Blogger I really do need to 
  • Download that picture in my pictures.
  • Upload that same picture once into a Blog.
  • Use uploaded pictures in one blog connected to another blog - through Picassa pictures.
    • After all why should I not have a common to all the connected blogs picture gallery to fall back on and use.
  • If I go through these steps I will be able to locate the picture at a later date as it will still be in my "My Pictures' file.

Indexing the paper craft page

Creating pages full of indexing cross site information is not fun.  However as I did not know what I was doing when I first started Blogging a few years ago I thought I had it worked out.

Somewhere I had read that each focus desired another blog.  Currently I have a few. each now has a different focus. But how do I bring them all together so that the things I do, see, think and learn about are integrated with each other.

I have often clicked to posts that are no longer there.  This is most frustrating as when I think I can get the readers to become better informed by adding back-links into other blogs'.

The one page I have semi- done today is the paper craft page in Together we have...had fun with craft.

1st post!

Today I was thinking about how far I have travelled along this Blogging path.  And how far I really had to go.

Once again these thoughts came during a really frustrating time.  Something I will probably look back too in a few months and say.." that was easy". !!

Know the feeling.

Today's frustrations were about the signing up of a Google site.  I can sign up but what are the steps the instructions have left out about becoming a owner of that site? Apparently I have missed some basic instruction step somewhere.

I have worked out

  • how to open the site.
  • how to add pages, colors and fonts.
  • Add pictures and hyper-link around the place.
With Blogger I can pay for the site yearly. I think the Google sites are a simple $33.00 per year payable to Google.  But where and when does any Google site get paid for??  That is my frustration.

So I then did something else with my computer time.